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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Soft Cleanser

Well Halloween did it. So I am posting twice this weekend. This post is the subject intended for last weekend. I was pretty busy last weekend with the kids so I didn't get the blog post. Sorry.

I didn't even bother with having the kids do their part of cleaning. As for me, I didn't really make it fun, but I got it done. I did a great multitask moment! I wanted curly hair for Halloween. I curled part then cleaned, curled then cleaned. It got the work done and my curling iron had time to heat up. The kids loved the Halloween named rooms and still are calling the laundry room the dungeon. I'm thinking that one will stick. lol

I want to try to share tips once a month. This one is a recipe. It's a soft scrub type idea. The original recipe called for 1/2 c baking soda and enough Dr. Bronner's pure castile soap to make it like a frosting type stuff and then add some essential oils. They said if you add glycerin and put in an air tight container it would last for a while. Well I don't have glycerin and didn't feel like finding an air tight container. So it set solid. :) I however use a spoon to scrape off the top layer and use a wet rag and it still works. Most often though I just put a small amount of baking soda and add a few drops of soap and a drop or two of doTerra Lemon essential oil (or orange, Melaluca, etc.)

I personally like using it. I used to use baking soda on grease all the time, adding the liquid soap is amazing to me. I find it works really well on soap scum in the bathtub. I've thought about letting it set and then scraping it or grating it into a shaker, one for parmesan cheese with the bigger holes would work great. There are times when I don't care for the smell. These are times when the water I use is super hot. The smell comes from the fact that liquid soap is made with oils. To remedy any odor that may occur you can rinse with vinegar. Vinegar smell only lingers for a very short time. This doesn't happen too often so go ahead and use it. :)

Happy cleaning!!!


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